Request for Student Debt Research Participants
Dear Friend,
Our Research Associate, Neetu Arnold, is compiling a comprehensive report on administrative bloat and the student debt crisis for the National Association of Scholars. She is interviewing participants about their post-secondary education choices and/or experience with student loans. 
Interviews are conducted either over the phone (preferable) or through Google Forms. She is looking to interview the following:

People who attended/currently go to college

- People who did not go to college or did not get a bachelor's degree

- People who chose a non-traditional education path

- Parents of college students or college-bound students

She is particularly looking for people who attended college outside New York state to have a more nationally-representative sample.
Information shared with Neetu may be used in her report, which will be available to the public. However, interviewees can specify whether they want their names mentioned in the report or to have them anonymized.

If this fits someone you know, and you'd be willing to help out, you can contact Neetu at or by texting her at 315-651-3278.


David Randall

Director of Research
National Association of Scholars
For reasoned scholarship in a free society.
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