
In case you missed this news from last week, Ken Calvert voted to strike down over $3 million in earmarks for projects that would provide services to the LGBTQ+ community.

The projects Calvert voted against included funding for food assistance and housing for seniors.

This is just the latest example of Calvert’s pattern of bigotry towards the LGBTQ+ community. I had the chance to tell the Washington Blade about his fundamental misunderstanding of LGBTQ+ Americans, and why it’s more important than ever to expand our representation in Congress.

With anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment rising across the country, Calvert and his far-right allies are now pulling the appropriations process into their culture war for cheap political points. It’s shameful, especially when you consider that our district includes Palm Springs.

The good news is that we don't just have a great chance to send Calvert packing, winning in CA-41 could flip the House and put extremists like him back into the minority.

Send in $3 right away to flip this seat and elect a new generation of leaders focused on moving our country forward -- no hateful culture wars.
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P.S. To read my full interview with the Washington Blade, click here.