The Committee held a meeting recently with a member of the Friends of the Library to discuss DC Public Library and its facilities. One of the major points was the use of outdoor spaces at libraries.
This member of the Friends of the Library believed that DC Public Library can do a better job of utilizing outdoor spaces for library visitors and for people in the community to make the libraries more inviting and community oriented. We discussed reading hours for children and potential events for adults to just bring people to libraries as gathering spaces.
Have you utilized your local library’s facilities for meetings or social gatherings? If not, what could be done to make your local library more inviting and welcoming for you and your neighbors to frequent it? Please email the Committee on Recreation, Libraries and Youth Affairs at [email protected] and let us know your thoughts.
In addition, for Ward 8 residents, have you joined your local Friends of the Library group to support your local library branch? Currently, the Bellevue/William Lockridge Library is looking for a new president for its Friends of the Library. If you are interested or know someone who is interested in filling this position or just joining the Friends of Library at your local branch, please email the Committee at [email protected].