Dear John,
It’s been a hot one in the South Metro this week! It was just as hot in Washington! I hope you and your family have been able to stay safe and cool.
I wanted to provide you with the latest update on my efforts to improve the mail service here in Minnesota.
Earlier this month, I launched a survey to hear directly from Eagan and Prior Lake residents about your postal service – and I heard back from over 600 of you. Yesterday, I sent your feedback directly to Interim USPS District Manager Angela Bye.
When I visited the Eagan and Prior Lake Post Offices last week, USPS Management told me that service levels in Prior Lake are stable and that Eagan is improving. But I received hundreds of stories revealing the reality of postal service in the South Metro: delayed mail, missing medications and challenging working conditions for mail carriers and postal workers.
I’ll be waiting to hear what USPS has to say – and will keep you all updated. These issues must be resolved once and for all – and I won’t stop working until the mail is delivered on time.
Here's some of what I was up to this week:
Building bipartisan support for apprenticeship programs Supporting apprenticeship colleges helps strengthen the economy and connect Minnesotans to good-paying jobs in their communities. My bipartisan bill with my Minnesota colleague Rep. Pete Stauber is gaining momentum with both parties, and I’ll keep pushing to get it passed.
Helping Minnesotans resolve passport delays
We are seeing a severe passport renewal backlog – but my team and I are working hard to get passports to the people who need them. In fact, my office has helped more than 100 Minnesotans get their passports this year! On Wednesday, my team held a roundtable to hear from Minnesotans about their experiences and find new ways to help.
Saying thank you to our summer interns
Eli, Lou and Elena have served as interns in our DC and Minnesota offices this summer and have done great work for the Second District. I was able to say thank you to our summer interns for all their hard work and play a little “Minnesota-Opoly!”
Behind the scenes with Rep. Craig:
I spent a lot of my time in committee hearings and markups this week, so I thought I’d share the view from my seat in the Energy and Commerce Committee room!

You may see in the news that Congress is out for August recess. That doesn’t mean we aren’t working! Next week I have a full schedule – including my favorite time of the year – Farmfest week! Watch for all my updates!
Well, that’s my update for this week – thanks for reading along!
Have a great weekend.
Until next time,
Angie Craig
Member of Congress