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Dear Brooklynites,

BYD plays a crucial role in Brooklyn politics. We hit the streets every election cycle, supporting proud progressive Democrats across the borough and pushing back against the fear and misinformation proffered by Republicans. We offer a political home to young people, raise our voice for important policy issues, and work to ensure our county party truly represents all of us.

But we can't do any of this alone. We're part of a community of Brooklynites of all backgrounds working together to fight for the borough we call home. And as we gear up for tough fights in this fall's City Council primaries and beyond, we need your help!
Join BYD and friends at Kent Ale House at 4pm on Saturday, August 5th for a small-dollar fundraiser!

Beat the summer heat and talk politics over drinks with the BYD community, while supporting our efforts to elect Democrats in Southern Brooklyn and elsewhere against far-right Republican opponents.

We can't win a better future for Brooklyn's young people without you.

Tickets start at just $30 and include a year-long BYD membership for anyone 36 or younger. The first 25 donors who give at the $55 level or higher will also get to choose one of two limited-edition BYD t-shirts!
Tickets are going fast. Save you spot and help ensure a proudly Democratic Brooklyn for years to come.
Save Your Spot at our Summer Kickback!
- The Brooklyn Young Democrats
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