TDVAM - ABQ Unidos Poetry Slam Saturday, February 22, 2020 This Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM), CSVANW is teaming up with ABQ Unidos to carve out a safe space to express our struggles as young people who date using poetry, prose and spoken word! Calling all youth poets ages 13-20! Come spit on the mic at our open mic and poetry slam! Your voice matters and we want to hear your truth! Location: Warehouse Five O'eight 508 1st St NW Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102 Time: 4:00PM to 7:00PM POETS! Don't forget to slam for those points. 1st - 4 points 2nd - 3 points 3rd - 2 points Poets who acquire points through out the season will be invited to partake in the ABQ Unidos Slam Championship for a chance to represent ABQ at the International Youth Poetry Festival, Brave New Voices. Warehouse 508 is a youth space. No drugs, alcohol or tobacco. Learn more TDVAM Poetry Challenge It's not late to participate! CSVANW is holding a TDVAM Poetry Challenge for our young relatives on Instagram and Facebook. 8 writing prompts are provided and shared throughout the month of February. Using the writing prompts, write a short poem or a Haiku (hokku) [a Haiku (hokku) is a Japanese verse form most often composed, in English versions, of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables. A haiku often features an image, or a pair of images, meant to depict the essence of a specific moment in time], and post your poem to your Instagram or Facebook account using #csvanwYouth #1Thing and be sure to tag the Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women (@csvanw). Follow CSVANW for more information and reposts of your poem on Instagram and Facebook. TDVAM Poetry Challenge Guidelines: Youth must post a short poem or a Haiku (hokku) and use the #csvanwYouth, #1Thing hashtags and tag CSVANW. Open to Native youth between 13 – 22 years old. Prizes will be awarded. More information coming soon. NOTE: please note a trigger warning (TW) in your poem, if the content in your poem contains information and discussions of domestic violence, death and dying, mental health crisis, and sexual abuse, which some readers may find triggering. Learn more Our young relatives deserve relationships that are free from violence and abuse. By joining together this month and doing #1Thing, we can raise awareness and stop dating abuse before it starts. We all have a part in stopping dating violence, even if that #1Thing seems small in the moment. Follow us on social media to stay updated when CSVANW is in the community. Become a Member Donate Today Follow us on social media Stay Updated: Sign Up for Our Emails Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women | 4600 B Montgomery Blvd NE, Ste 202, Albuquerque, NM 87109 Unsubscribe
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