Your Storm Heaven Intentions Today!

Dear Friend,
Great news! Raymond Cardinal Burke, joined by Archbishop
Salvatore J. Cordileone, will offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass,
from the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, in La Crosse, Wisconsin,
which will be broadcast LIVE online, on August 1st, at 12:15 PM
Central Daylight Time, for all of the specific intentions that you
submit and for all the prayer warriors
of Operation Storm Heaven.
You will be able to assist at the
Holy Mass. Here is the link. It will also be livestreamed on our
YouTube and Facebook platforms.
We are so blessed to have
Archbishop Cordileone, from the Archdiocese of San Francisco,
concelebrating the Holy Mass with Cardinal Burke. Both are canon
lawyers, who will be speaking at the Speculum Iustitiae Conference, for Canon and Civil lawyers. The
Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe is hosting the conference.

It is such a blessing whenever the
Operation Storm Heaven Holy Mass is livestreamed at the shrine. This
is a Catholic pilgrimage destination, with many beautiful chapels,
statues, a meditative walk, gardens, the Culina Mariana Café, the
Flores Mariae Gift Shop and Marian Catechist Bookstore. There are many
devotional areas where visitors can meditate and pray. Pilgrims flock
to the shrine from all over the world. It is a sacred place where
people draw closer to God.
Here is the shrine
which includes holy mass,
confession, exposition and gift shop/bookstore store hours. A list of
shrine events can be found here.
For every intention you submit for
the August 1st, Operation Storm Heaven Holy Mass, remember
to ask through the Blessed Virgin Mary, for God will not refuse her.
Remember Our Lady of Guadalupe’s words to St. Juan Diego: Am I not
here who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection?
Am I not your fountain of life? Are you not in the folds of my mantle?
In the crossing of my arms? Is there anything else you
need?” Submit your intentions
August is dedicated to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary; the traditional feast day is August 22. Our
Lady’s heart was pure, sinless. In the secular world, purity is
associated with food, water, nutritional supplements and drugs. The
Catechism of the Catholic Church states that modesty is the guardian
of the virtue purity. Our bodies become temples of the Holy Spirit
through the Sacrament of Baptism. Let us remember good clothing
choices before we enter the sanctuary of a church or an adoration
Did you know that on the Feast of
the Assumption on August 15 - some churches around the world offer the
ancient Blessing of Herbs, that dates back to the tenth century? This
blessing can also apply to fruits and vegetables too. It is an
occasion to thank God for His great bounty, that is revealed in the
abundant fruits He has bestowed upon us. Have you ever brought bring
fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables to be blessed? If so, please send
me photos of the blessing.
Besides your personal intentions
for you and your loved ones, let us remember to include:
For all who have been affected by
the extreme heat, especially farmers and those who work
The faithful Roman Catholics in
China, especially those who are in prison and under house arrest.
May the Holy Father, Pope
Francis, be guided by the Holy Spirit in his China polices and the
underground Roman Catholic Church.
is the link to view the Holy Mass LIVE on August 1st at
12:15 PM Central Daylight Time.
Finally, if you know others who
have intentions and would like to submit them, and to help others join
Operation Storm Heaven, please forward this email to your family and
friends and ask them to click here.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And
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