


We started July with the dubious distinction of the “hottest week on record” for global average temperatures.


We’ve now had 27 straight days of the hottest days on record, and scientists are now reporting that July will be the hottest month in 120,000 years.


This week, a report from Futurism highlights reactions from climate scientists who are “horrified” to see all of their worst predictions from the 90s coming true.


"We knew by the mid-1990s...monstrous heatwaves, catastrophic extreme rainfall and floods, subcontinental-scale wildfires, rapid ice sheet collapse raising sea level meters within a century."

A graphic featuring a photo of a man fighting a forest fire with a small garden hose, and a headline from Futurism which reads: “Climate scientists horrified that their predictions were correct. This is what climate change looks like now.”

This is an extinction-level climate emergency. We are so far beyond climate crisis at this point – this is climate breakdown.


And what did our president do today in response?


Reuters reports: “Biden seeks heat hazard alert, provides $1 bln to plant trees”


In his televised statement earlier today, Biden did not introduce a SINGLE new measure to combat the climate crisis. He didn’t talk about Big Oil or the new pipeline he just greenlit for Joe Manchin. He didn’t talk about preparing our national infrastructure for an influx of climate refugees or mass climate-related migration away from the heavily populated coastal areas threatened by rising sea levels and horrifying superstorms.


He’s planting trees.


This is the policy equivalent of fighting a wildfire with a garden hose.


I’ve been a climate activist all my life, and here’s what I see: While the movement for climate action has never been stronger, the opposition from our government’s corporate-controlled duopoly has never been more entrenched.


We no longer have the time to entertain the neoliberal ideology of begging corporate powers to do the right thing. More than ever we need independent, UNBOUGHT, action-driven public servants in office.


If you share my belief that the climate crisis is the single most urgent issue of our time, I need your support today. Can you chip in $25, $50, $100 or more today to help me defeat a corporate Democrat funded by all the same industries responsible for creating this crisis?

It cannot be overstated that the fossil fuel companies KNEW this was going to happen. These government-subsidized, massive, multi billion dollar corporations knew as far back as the 70s that climate change was real, and that THEY were making it worse.


They lied about the science.


They bought off every politician who would cash their checks (my opponent included).


They decimated indigenous communities.


They jailed environmental lawyers.


And today they are still among the richest corporations in the history of the earth while collecting billions in government handouts.


I’m running for Congress with the Green Party because neither the Republicans nor the Democrats will stand up to these climate annihilators.


My opponent is a former lobbyist turned career politician who is the top fossil-fuel-funded Democrat in Washington state. I’m a lifelong climate activist, a former teacher, a former union leader, and a working class dad.


Next November we can either send a corporate Democrat back to D.C for his 24th year in Congress, or we can elect the first ever Green Party Congressional representative who will fight for real climate action as an independent voice.


I can’t sugarcoat this, folks: The climate news is bleak. But I can’t give up. Not for the sake of my kids or any of the rest of us.


We CAN turn it around IF we elect representatives who are serious about the climate crisis. But that window is closing if we don’t act now.


Let’s make history next year.


In solidarity,




Jason Call is a former public school teacher and lifelong climate activist running for Congress in WA-02. If elected, he will be the first member of the Green Party to serve in federal office. Learn more at, and donate today to help us make history.


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