Sinema took in $100,000 from the airlines, and now she’s leading the charge to weaken pilot training requirements.

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Remember that Schoolhouse Rock video, John?

The one about how a bill becomes a law? Everyone had to watch it in elementary school. This wasn’t one of the verses:

Kyrsten Sinema raked in more than $100,000 from airline industry as she pushed to alter pilot training requirements

Sinema took in $100,000 from the airlines, and now she’s leading the charge to weaken pilot training requirements. Which is a policy being pushed by... you guessed it, the airlines.

She even managed to upset American hero Sully Sullenberger, famous for saving 155 lives when he landed his stricken airliner in the Hudson River. IN A RIVER.

Capt Sully: I have spent a lifetime dedicated to making airtravel safer...

Sinema raked in $1.6 million last quarter. A big number. But just under $9000 of it was small dollar donations — the rest was from industry groups like the airlines, hedge fund managers, CEOs, billionaires.

But us? This campaign is funded differently.

Almost all of the money Ruben Gallego raises is from emails like this to people like you. People who chip in because they believe in what we’re doing here.

Ruben does it that way because when he gets to the Senate, he wants to represent you — not the industry groups, not the billionaires.


Now, we know times are tough. But if Ruben is the kind of leader you want to see in the Senate, please:

Make your first donation to Ruben Gallego’s campaign today. It might be $5, it might be $10, it might even be $20 or $50. The amount isn’t as important as the donation itself.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly.

We hope you’ll consider making that donation.

Thank you,

Ruben Gallego for Arizona


Paid For By Gallego for Arizona

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