The back-stabbing plot became more serious.
The back-stabbing plot became more serious.
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A very disloyal Republican in the Senate has officially set a DEADLINE for the
RINO plot aimed at SABOTAGING us in the GOP primary…
…He’s calling on the RINO globalist donors to coalesce their $370 MILLION war
chest around one single puppet nominee by February 26 – right before the
critical Super Tuesday Primaries when I’m expected to be declared the
presumptive nominee.
As of the moment I’m writing you this email, I am waiting to hear if I will be
INDICTED and ARRESTED for a crime I did not commit!
This is how some RINOs in the Senate are choosing to spend their time?
…With a plot to stab ME in the back rather than go after the crooks in the
Department of Justice who are turning America into a Marxist third world
Some of these RINOs have even gone so far as to DEFEND and JUSTIFY what the
Deep State is doing to me..
They have exposed themselves to be VULTURES circling the skies, waiting and
hoping to use our injustice and misfortune for their own personal gain.
These are not patriots. These are cowards, who would willingly sell out their
country to the Deep State in exchange for even just a taste of power.
If they’d stab someone in the back who helped get them elected – all while our
nation is on the brink of tyranny – then how could youever trust them to defend
But fortunately for us, our movement is packed with over 74 MILLION courageous
patriots who refuse to surrender our nation to tyranny.
Even a contribution of just $1 alongside your fellow patriots is enough to
OUTRAISE these RINOs and DESTROY their February 26th PLOT to sabotage our
So please, if you can, and only if you can, make a contribution of just $1 to
our Primary Victory Fund before the end-of-month deadline to help me FIGHT BACK
against the RINOs’ nefarious PLOT to stop us in the primary – for 1,500% impact.
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Thank you,
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Donald J. Trump
45th President of the United States
Contributions to Trump Save America JFC are not deductible for federal income
tax purposes.
Paid for by Trump Save America Joint Fundraising Committee, a joint
fundraising committee composed of and authorized by Donald J. Trump for
President 2024, Inc. and Save
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Trump Save America JFC, PO Box 13570, Arlington, VA 22219
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