From Team Summer Lee <>
Subject Let’s end inequality nationwide
Date July 27, 2023 7:52 PM
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[ [link removed] ]Summer Lee for Congress


Summer just introduced the OLIGARCH Act with her colleagues Barbara Lee,
Jamaal Bowman, and Rashida Tlaib to tax the ultra-wealthy and reduce

Our current system gives 400 of the richest Americans 22,000 times the
political influence than the bottom 90%.

Since 2020, the richest 1% grabbed 63% of all new wealth while the other
99% was left to split the rest. While normal folks make sacrifices to
afford food, child care and every day expenses, the super-rich buy second
homes, yachts and Supreme Court justices.

The OLIGARCH Act would create four new tax brackets to ensure that the
uber-wealthy pay their fair share in federal taxes. This is a bill that
will benefit everyone by closing the huge disparity between the top 10%
and the rest of America.

[ [link removed] ]Today, we are asking if you will consider chipping in $5
to show your support for the OLIGARCH Act and help close the massive
wealth inequality that plagues our nation?

[ [link removed] ]Chip in $5 »

Extreme wealth inequality is blocking climate justice, racial justice,
Medicare for All, student loan forgiveness, worker power, fully funded
public schools, fair pay, and a reflective democracy. It’s time for an
Oligarch tax.

Thank you,

Team Summer Lee


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To contribute via check, please address to: Summer Lee for Congress, PO Box 82620,
Pittsburgh, PA 15218.

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