John, the forecast is for sunny skies with temperatures in the low to mid-thirties for this Friday, so come out and join us.

Stand for a Livable Climate
Friday February 21, 2020
12:00 - 1:00 pm

Chase & Wells Fargo
Wisconsin Ave. at Water St.

We believe there can be a future for the next generations!


Chase & Wells Fargo are the 1st & 2nd LARGEST funders of Fossil Fuel (coal-mining operations (like the above image), oil and gas companies, fracking firms, pipelines, and arctic exploration) companies in the WORLD!

In 2020 climate activists around the world are focusing their efforts on big banks to slow the money pipeline that flows to fossil fuel companies.  Will you help do something for the future?

You can't join us on Fridays, but you do want to do something? Read Bill McKibben's article linked below, then, if you bank with Chase, Wells Fargo, BMO, BofA, Capital One, etc., make a plan to move your accounts to institutions that don't fund fossil fuels.  Yeah, it's a headache, I know from experience...

Want to Do Something About Climate Change? Follow the Money - Bill McKibben, New Yorker

For tips on moving your bank, scroll down to the Moving Your Money section at 350MKE.

Please join us - rain, snow or shine. (Unless it's a serious blizzard or seriously cold!)  Dress in layers for the weather.  There are many pedestrians over the noon hour and we talk to lots of folks.  There's a lot of positive feedback - 10x more than negative.

We have signs and banners, but feel free to bring your own

2nd Court Date
Friday, February 21
Milwaukee City Municipal Court
951 N James Lovell St

On February 3, the attorney representing the people arrested on December 6 requested a court date.  A new hearing date was set for Friday, February 21.

The attorney told them they need not appear for this hearing, so we are not planning to attend to support them.

On Dec. 6, 2019, The People's Climate Coalition held a rally and demonstration in downtown Milwaukee in accordance with the International Youth Climate Strikes and the Sunrise Movement National Climate Strikes.  On that day eleven individuals were arrested during a peaceful sit-in protesting fossil fuel financing by Wells Fargo Bank.

The eleven people arrested are members of the People's Climate Coalition @PCC.MKE (in addition to other Milwaukee climate groups).  These eleven people (many of whom are students) are now subject to fines expected to be $187 per person (that totals more than $2000).

You weren't arrested, but you can contribute by donating here:
PCC.MKE - The Action Network

Please donate $3, $10, or more.  Your help will go towards the fines and court costs of these eleven people.

Thank you,
350 Milwaukee

350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tuesday, March 10, 7 - 8:30pm

First Unitarian Society (Ogden & Astor)
Riverside location of the
Urban Ecology Center
1500 E. Park Place

Due to scheduling changes at the Urban Ecology Center, we are sorting out the location for our March meeting between the two sites


Do you have an idea for a future meeting?
​email us at: 

2020 Wisconsin Elections

Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Wisconsin Spring Election

and Primary

Two people are running for the WI Supreme Court. Read a brief description of the candidates here.

Partisan Primary: August 11, 2020
​General Election: November 3, 2020

​See a sample ballot for your address at ballotpedia

 Future Local Actions: 

2020 Democratic National Convention
Milwaukee WI

Monday, July 13 - Thursday, July 16

There will be protests 
​and 350 Milwaukee will be active!

Visit us at:

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4142 Newhall St.
Shorewood, WI 53211

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