Today is Black Women’s Equal Pay Day.

Plaskett for Congress


Today is Black Women’s Equal Pay Day — a marker of how many extra days Black women have to work in order to make the same as the average white man made last year. 

This pay gap is the result of systemic racism. In fact, on average, Black women are only paid $0.63 for every $1 a white man makes for the same work — and that can add up to almost a million dollars lost by the end of a Black woman’s career. 

Will you please add your name to our petition to pass the Equal Pay Act today?


We have to end this pay disparity once and for all!

— Team Plaskett

Stacey Plaskett wasn't afraid to stand up to Donald Trump during his second impeachment trial. Representing the U.S. Virgin Islands, she is ready to continue speaking truth to power, putting people over politics and finally achieving full statehood for Puerto Rico, D.C., the U.S. Virgin Islands and any territory ready for full inclusion in America.

Will you contribute now to help Stacey make more history in Washington D.C.?

Stacey isn't done making history, and she needs your help to keep fighting. But if you'd like to unsubscribe, we understand.

Stacey Plaskett for Congress
P.O. Box 1006
Frederiksted, WI 00841
United States