For years, Pharmaceutical corporations have lined their pockets by price gouging Medicare. Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, Medicare can finally fight back.
Instead of paying the exorbitant prices set by Big Pharma, the IRA gives Medicare the license to negotiate lower prices on a few medicines. But just as those negotiations are beginning, Big Pharma is SUING the federal government to stop the law from taking effect.
Send a message directly to the CEOs of Merck, Johnson & Johnson, Bristol Myers Squibb, PhRMA, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce who are leading the lawsuits. Tell them to drop their lawsuits and stop ripping off Medicare!
We are fighting on multiple fronts, as Medicare is under attack by profit-driven health care corporations. From a privatized insurance takeover to Big Pharma price gouging, we need to fight on every front.
When the George W. Bush administration added pharmaceutical coverage to Medicare Part D in 2003, they wrote the law specifically to forbid Medicare from using its buying power to negotiate lower prices. For the last 20 years, Big Pharma has taken advantage of that imbalance by setting exorbitant prices, knowing that Medicare had no choice but to pay it.
Merck was the first to sue, but was then joined by Johnson & Johnson, BMS, the Chamber of Commerce, and PhRMA, the lobbying arm of the pharmaceutical industry. Big Pharma giants want to protect every penny of their $14.5 billion in annual profits -- no matter how many seniors have to forgo care and die as a result of high prices.
The law is on the people’s side. Tell these greedy CEOs to stop their frivolous lawsuit and lower drug prices now!
In solidarity,
Alex Lawson Social Security Works