Plus Mike and Paul McCartney, and more in the Impact Newsletter  
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Bloomberg Philanthropies Impact Newsletter 2022

The Topline
Key data points

40 mayors and 80 senior city leaders representing more than 24 million people around the world make up the seventh class of the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative.

15 finalists working on groundbreaking climate and environmental solutions will be named at the second annual Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit in September.

17 cities are in the running for up to $1 million in support from the Bloomberg Philanthropies Public Art Challenge.

More than 123 million people in the U.S. were under active National Weather Service extreme heat advisories, watches, and warnings recently. Here's how cities are adapting in an era of extreme temperatures.

Drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional injury death worldwide. There are simple steps we can take to save lives.

Black homeownership in Cincinnati is 40% lower than white homeownership. A new blueprint generated with support from the Greenwood Initiative is helping the city tackle that and other racial wealth inequities.



Training Mayors to Take On Cities' Biggest Challenges

As cities find themselves at the forefront of addressing increasingly national and global issues, from public health and housing to climate change and education, the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative announced the seventh class of 40 mayors — who come from nine countries and six continents — participating in the yearlong professional management training program. A first-of-its-kind program, the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative equips mayors and their senior team members with new tools and expertise to expand their problem-solving capacity, strengthen their city halls, and improve outcomes for residents.

Learn more about the Initiative, and hear from the some of the mayors who spoke to us at the program kick off. You can also read more about our work to support mayors over the years — through the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative and other efforts — in a recent story in TIME Magazine.


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Save the Date: The Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit

The next great climate innovators will gather together with HRH Prince William and Mike at the second annual Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit on September 19, 2023, in New York City. This year's Earthshot Prize finalists will be announced for their work around five "Earthshots" where cutting-edge solutions can help repair our planet this decade: Build a waste-free world; revive our ocean; protect and restore nature; clean our air; and fix our climate. To foster broad collaboration and urgent action, the Summit will bring the innovators together with business leaders, philanthropists, and policy makers. Save the date to tune-in to the 2023 Summit, then check out highlights from the 2022 Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit.


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Public Art Challenge Finalist Cities

Great public art can be transformative, adding new energy to communities, bringing people together, and sparking conversations about important issues. To help bring public art to more places, the Bloomberg Philanthropies Public Art Challenge offers U.S. cities grants of up to $1 million for temporary art projects that address a significant civic issue. For the most recent Challenge, more than 150 cities applied from 40 states. Of those, 17 finalists were chosen, and up to 10 winners will be awarded grants later this year. Take a moment to watch our video, where you'll see incredible work from previous winners, and find out which cities are in the running for this year's Public Art Challenge. And for more on public art as a social good, watch this panel from the 2023 Aspen Ideas Festival, moderated by Kate Levin, who leads our Arts programs.


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Cities in an Age of Extreme Heat

With record-breaking heat affecting millions of people around the world this summer, we wanted to share a previously released video, "Cities vs. Rising Heat," from our Building the Future series. While climate change is pushing heat to extreme levels, many design choices in cities' built environment are causing even higher temperatures in local communities. Find out how cities are responding to this growing challenge.


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Simple Steps to Protect Millions from Drowning

A converted public plaza in Milan

More than 2.5 million people have died from drowning in the last decade, making it the third leading cause of unintentional injury deaths globally. Many of those losses are children, including in the U.S., where drowning is the leading cause of death for kids one to four years old. Bloomberg Philanthropies' investments in survival swim instruction and day-care facilities have shown that simple interventions can make a big difference in preventing drowning. Take a moment to read the message we posted for #WorldDrowningPreventionDay this week, and help spread the word on how to save lives from drowning.

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A Blueprint for Tackling Racial Wealth Inequity

Aspen Ideas Festival Panel

The City of Cincinnati released a Financial Freedom Blueprint to help address racial wealth inequities in the city and "ensure every resident in Cincinnati has the opportunity to achieve financial freedom." As part of the Cities for Financial Empowerment Fund's CityStart Initiative, which is supported by our Greenwood Initiative, the City received a $75,000 planning grant, as well as extensive CFE Fund technical assistance. The resulting blueprint outlines the history and current state of racial wealth equity, and makes recommendations for investments and policies that can improve the lives of Cincinnati residents.

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Photo Spotlight

Mike in Egypt

Mike and Sir Paul McCartney tour an exhibition of McCartney's photos, taken during the height of Beatlemania, at the National Portrait Gallery in London. Explore more about the show by downloading the free Bloomberg Connects app and checking out the National Portrait Gallery UK digital guide.

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Cities paint the way to safer streets


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About our work

Bloomberg Philanthropies invests in 700 cities and 150 countries around the world to ensure better, longer lives for the greatest number of people. The organization focuses on five key areas for creating lasting change: the Arts, Education, Environment, Government Innovation, and Public Health.


Public Health



Govt Innovation





The Arts

Bloomberg Philanthropies encompasses all of Michael R. Bloomberg's giving, including his foundation, corporate, and personal philanthropy as well as Bloomberg Associates, a pro bono consultancy that works in cities around the world. In 2022, Bloomberg Philanthropies distributed $1.7 billion.

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