10 days left to add your name!
We need your help to speak out in favour of nuclear disarmament
Please donate and add your name to CND's newspaper ad
Dear Friend, 

If you haven't already done so, there's still time to add your name to our newspaper advert, and help support the crucial nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
Add my name
The goal of the NPT is simple: complete disarmament of all nuclear weapons. And in April this year, governments will be getting together at the UN headquarters in New York to review the progress they have made towards that goal.

The UK signed the NPT in 1968, but continues to possess nuclear weapons, and has committed to replacing Trident, in breach of its responsibilities under the treaty.

So we plan to print a full page advert in a national newspaper, urging people to lobby government to take its disarmament obligations seriously and send a high level delegation to participate in April's conference.
If you can help us fund this advert, we will add your name to it. Please donate what you can, and help speak out in favour of nuclear disarmament. Your support really will make a difference.
Add my name
In peace,
Kate Hudson
General Secretary
P..S. We must receive your donation by 29th of February for your name to appear.
Copyright © 2020 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, All rights reserved.
We collected your name from a petition or you are a member of CND

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Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
162 Holloway Road
London, London N7 8DQ
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