Girl putting money into piggy bank

Delayed gratification is the ability to resist the temptation of an immediate pleasure in the hope of obtaining a greater reward later. And, while adults might find it easy to work for larger, longer-term rewards rather than opting for more immediate ones, many children have difficulty employing delayed gratification. However, it is possible to help kids to learn to control their impulses to achieve a future goal.

Narcan spray

What is naloxone and why would I need it?

Now that naloxone (Narcan) — the nasal spray that can reverse an opioid overdose — is available over-the-counter, you may be trying to decide if it is something you should have in your home. Siva Kaliamurthy, MD, psychiatrist and addiction expert, breaks down what you should know.
mother and daughter swimming

Finding summer fun for children with autism

Different people greet summertime with emotions that range from ecstatic joy to dread, often depending on how much they like structure and heat. In this article, we’re sharing some ideas to make the most of summer. As a plus, you can do all these things without spending money.

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