We've got a simple solution [link removed] SIGN Our Petition to Strengthen
Social Security! [link removed] DearJohn, Today, millionaires stop paying into Social Security for the rest of 2020 because they've reached the $137,700 income threshold. We think it's time to change that!
While the wealthy pay a much smaller percentage of their income into Social Security, the majority of Americans pay Social Security taxes on every dollar they earn. So a Wall Street CEO who makes $18 million a year pays the same into Social Security as someone earning $137,700. At a time when growing numbers of Americans are retiring and counting on their earned benefits for a secure retirement, this outrageous millionaires' tax loophole is starving Social Security and must be eliminated!
That's why I urge you to <a alt="Click Here to Sign Our Petition" href="[link removed]" name="ss_2100_petitiondc" style="text-decoration: underline; color: #004D96; text-align: left;" title="Click Here to Sign Our Petition" ><strong><u>sign our Petition to Congress today,</u></strong></a> addressed to your U.S. Representative, to pass the <a alt="Click Here to Read More" href="[link removed]" name="ss_2100_endorsement" style="text-decoration: underline; color: #004D96; text-align: left;" title="Click Here to Read More" ><strong><u>"Social Security 2100 Act (H.R. 860),"</u></strong></a> introduced by Representative John Larson (CT-01), which would over time completely eliminate the cap on Social Security payroll taxes. Getting rid of this special tax break for the wealthy would pay for improving Social Security benefits and go a long way toward shoring up this vital program for current and future beneficiaries.
This ridiculous tax loophole has disproportionately benefited the very wealthiest individuals and largest corporations, while depriving Social Security of much-needed resources. That's why some powerful interest groups are fighting this bill tooth and nail to avoid having millionaires pay their fair share of a tax every other working American must pay all year long. So please help us push back against this unfair situation by signing our Petition today! [link removed] Sincerely, Max Richtman
President & CEO [link removed] [link removed] [link removed] [link removed] Member contributions to the National Committee, a nonprofit 501(c)(4)
organization, are not tax-deductible.
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