URGENT ACTION NEEDED: The GOP is trying to strip away life-saving Endangered Species Protections for precious grizzly bears! Take action now >>
Imagine you are roaming along the open grounds of Yellowstone National Park. You’re a grizzly bear in search of food to bring back to the den for you and your cubs. The wilderness is your home, and these are your native lands. You don’t have any concept of state lines or the politics that go into “protected” boundaries.
You happen to unknowingly wander just off of Yellowstone property having no idea that outside the park, vicious trophy hunters are waiting to viciously slaughter you. Suddenly in an instant, you are pierced with a series of painful bullets that rip through your thick fur -- you feel nothing but agony as your last moments on this Earth come to an end.
Recently, the bloody carcass of a mangled grizzly bear, who likely suffered a similar horrific fate, was discovered just 14 miles outside of Yellowstone -- in a location where grizzlies are at HIGH RISK of Endangered Species Act rollbacks by GOP lawmakers and hunting lobbyists. Friend, with grizzly protections on the chopping block right now, it’s a CRUCIAL time to stand up and defend these helpless animals from brutal trophy hunters. Will you take action immediately?
While this most recent grizzly death happens to come at a time when political tensions around ESA protections are heightened, it’s sadly not unusual for these iconic mammals to be VIOLENTLY SLAUGHTERED.
Trophy hunters are absolutely ruthless and show NO MERCY when it comes to getting their kill. They will indiscriminately fire away at harmless grizzly bears, including mama bears searching for food to bring back to their helpless cubs. These innocent babies will likely die of starvation or hypothermia if their mama doesn’t make it back.
We cannot let the special interests of corrupt politicians and the hunting lobby seal the fate of these beloved mammals. We must END these senseless acts of animal cruelty and STOP the inhumane slaying of innocent grizzly bears NOW before this iconic animal is WIPED OUT. But if we’re going to get the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to protect grizzly bears from vicious trophy hunters, we need you to step up today. Will you use your voice to defend our precious grizzly bears before we run out of time?
Thank you for taking action to protect bears,
Friends of the Earth