Dear Friend,
Yesterday evening, Cardinal Burke
gave a resounding homily, filled with pearls of wisdom to meditate
upon, regarding the Mother of God. Here are a couple of
“Imploring the intercession of the
Mother of God, we discover ever anew that our true inheritance is the
Lord and that our lasting abode is in the full assembly of the
“We turn to the Mother of God in
prayer, she invites us to imitate her obedience so that Our Lord may
purify our hearts of the wrong affections which lead us into sin and
death and may enflame our hearts with the love of His law, which leads
us into virtue and everlasting life.”
Speaking about the world we live
in, Cardinal Burke said:
“We live in most troubled times,
throughout the world and even in the within the church, that pervasive
confusion and error, about the most fundamental truths, about the law
which God has written upon every human heart, tempt us to
discouragement and even to abandon hope. But Our Lady draws us to
herself, in order that she, in turn may lead us, to our only source of
hope, her Divine Son. Above all, His real presence in the Most
Blessed Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. We cannot fight and win the
fierce spiritual battles of our time by means of our own cleverness
and strength. Christ, our Eucharistic Lord, however, is with us. He
alone can conquer sin in us. On the last day, He will restore us and
all creation through God Our Father to eternal glory.”
His Eminence went on to speak about
the Chinese government’s relentless persecution of the faithful
Catholics in China, who are loyal to the Seat of Peter, namely those
in the underground Roman Catholic Church, and expressed his solidarity
toward them.
Cardinal Burke went on to say that
we have witnessed the utter disdain of the Communist Government of
China, regarding the Catholic Church, without any respect for the
Office of St. Peter and openly and blazingly rejects any form of
During the remainder of the homily,
His Eminence spoke about the heroic life of Cardinal Kung, his nephew
Joseph, who founded the Cardinal Kung Foundation and his death earlier
this year. The late Joseph Kung relentlessly worked for the Cause for
Sainthood for his uncle and tirelessly helped the Roman Catholics in
the underground church. His wife, Agnes, now leads the
I encourage everyone to listen to
the homily, which begins at: 01:01:54.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family https://www.catholicaction.org/
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