Join the Museum of the Palestinian People and Middle East Books and More for a screening of the award-winning documentary "Jenin, Jenin," released at the end of 2002 by filmmaker Mohammed Bakri. This film features interviews with Palestinian residents of Jenin refugee camp and chronicles their experience during Israel's Operation Defensive Shield, an Israeli military offensive in 2002 during the Second Intifada that killed many Palestinians and virtually flattened Jenin refugee camp.

Jenin has since been the target of many Israeli military incursions, most recently on July 3 and 4, when Israeli forces killed 12 Palestinians, including four children.

A discussion following the film will focus on the tradition of Palestinian resistance in Jenin and the experiences of Palestinians who live there.

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Israel said that it had carried out 15 air raids using helicopter gunships and reconnaissance drones, in conjunction with a ground invasion that involved 150 armored military vehicles (including tanks and bulldozers) and 1,000 elite special forces.

Snipers were placed on the rooftops of Palestinian homes on the periphery of the camp, which lies in the middle of the northern city of Jenin.

Mohammed Kamanji, a lawyer for the Independent Commission for Human Rights and a resident of the camp, told Al Jazeera that the use of helicopter gunships indicates an “increase in the level of assault and crimes against civilians.”

“This is an important stage which has evolved from waging a war against a small number of fighters with simple weaponry, to targeting and destroying infrastructure and homes with complete disregard for human life,” he said.

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"The rise of the Lions’ Den, the Jenin Brigades, the Nablus Brigades, and many other such groups and brigades, made mostly of poor and poorly armed Palestinian refugees, is hardly a mystery. One fights when one is oppressed, humiliated and routinely violated. This role has governed human relations and conflicts since the very beginning."
"In Israel they didn’t mention the camp’s 20,000 residents who endured unprecedented hardship caused by Israel, like their parents and grandparents before them. In Israel they did not say that the Jenin camp is home to tens of thousands of people whose just struggle cries out to the heavens, exactly as their suffering does. And once again, the IDF treated this home like a battlefield."
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