A key fact that bolstered Lorie Smith's victimhood narrative has been shown to be untrue after a crucial discovery was made.
But that one way is feeling increasingly like a pipe dream.
The protest comes after the pageant’s patron said that only “women from birth” would be allowed to compete.
While the class size may be small, the impact on students' lives will be enormous.
Hate group members - but no doctors - are invited to speak at the hearing about whether kids are being "coerced" to transition.
The four men who testified against him in the trial described him as a "sexual bully."
Her people deny everything.
It would replace masculine pronouns in U.S. law with gender-neutral language — but will Republicans support it?
The law takes away numerous rights from trans people, with advocates saying it will lead to suicide as trans people feel "hopeless and trapped."
The laundry-list resolution brings up Greene's hate speech, conspiracy theories, and support for violence.