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Minnesota Family Council

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Dear John,

We're more excited about our Annual Dinner with pro-life superstar Abby Johnson than we've been for an MFC event in a long time. Why? Because we're winning.

Let me explain!

I recently did a radio interview here in Minneapolis, and the host remarked that things looked bleak for the pro-life cause, with new laws allowing abortion up until birth passing in New York, Illinois, and Virginia.

On the contrary, I said: things have never looked brighter! A record number of pro-life bills were passed last year across the country. The pro-life movement always wins when people pay attention to abortion--to the poisoning and dismemberment of a human child, which is what abortion actually is.

That's why our dinner with Abby Johnson on May 11 (register here now!) isn't a bunch of people huddled in a bunker - it's a victory celebration. With God on our side, we will win this fight.

So come celebrate with us on May 11 with Abby Johnson, a pro-life superstar. Perhaps better than anyone else, she shows why a younger generation is turning away from abortion. She walked away from her well-paying job as a Planned Parenthood clinic director when she saw the reality of abortion. And since that time, she's worked to help more than 400 other people leave the abortion industry. Her story has been made into the film Unplanned, one of the biggest Christian films of 2019.

Come hear her story! Come be inspired and renewed in your battle to uphold LIFE as a cherished creation of God! Click here to view the full invitation.


 In His Mercy,

Moses Bratrud

Director of Communications

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Minnesota Family Council/Minnesota Family Institute
2855 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN, 55418-3265
Phone 612.789.8811 / FAX 612.789.8858

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