"House acts to remove deadline for Equal Rights Amendment"
Feb. 13, 2020


Earlier this year, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) -- finally giving this amendment to protect women from discrimination the necessary votes to be added to our Consitution, nearly fifty years after it first passed Congress and was sent to the states for ratification.

But now, the Trump Administration's Department of Justice is saying it's too late, and a lawsuit is ongoing.

Last week, Kim and a bipartisan majority in the House took the next step forward by voting to remove the arbitrary ratification deadline for the ERA, because she believes it's past time equal rights for all is enshrined in our Constitution.

It's simple: women deserve the same protections under the law as men. If you agree it's past time to pass the Equal Rights Amendment, add your name today >>

While the House may have voted to remove the deadline, we still have an uphill battle ahead of us. The Republican-held Senate still has to vote to approve, and court battles have already begun in states to try and block this amendment.

Kim believes that no one should be discriminated against on the basis of sex, and she won't stop fighting until this right is guaranteed in our Constitution. But we want to know if you're with her.

If you're with Kim in the fight for women's equality, join her in calling for the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.


Team Schrier






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