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Dear valued employer partner,

The Maine Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD), in partnership with the Maine Department of Labor, is seeking your input to inform a statewide talent attraction strategy.

This talent attraction strategy is aimed at advancing one of Maine?s long-term goals as outlined in the 10 Year Economic Development Plan: attracting 75,000 to Maine?s talent pool by 2030.

To inform this strategy and action steps, DECD, in partnership with Wallace Economic Advisers, LLC, is conducting an employer survey to better understand the current landscape, challenges and opportunities related to out-of-state recruitment efforts. This survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete and all responses will remain confidential. Contribute your responses to this survey here.

Your participation and responses are paramount in order to draft Maine?s Talent Attraction Strategy. Please respond by August 7, 2023.

Thank you for your participation and meaningful collaboration,

The Maine Departments of Economic and Community Development and Labor

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