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The Islamic ‘Reformation’ Is Here, and You Won’t Like It

By Raymond Ibrahim on Jul 26, 2023 07:34 am

Muslim notions of “improving” society may include purging it of “infidels” and their corrupt ways; or segregating men and women, keeping the latter under wraps or quarantined at home; or executing apostates and blasphemers.

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That Long Retreat is Over, Christians in America Must Fight Back

By Virginia Christian Alliance on Jul 26, 2023 06:39 am

U.S.-Constitution-U.S.-Flag-Bible-GavelChristians in America have been betrayed by politicians of the Neo-Marxist Left who hate the foundational beliefs which formed our nation. They want to obliterate the sacred creed of the Pilgrims, and the thousands of immigrants who followed them.

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AI Bioweapons: Mankind’s New Nightmare?

By Dr. Joseph Mercola on Jul 26, 2023 05:34 am

“The singularity” is a hypothetical point in time where the growth of technology gets out of control and becomes irreversible, for better or worse. Many believe the singularity will involve AI becoming self-conscious and unmanageable by its creators, but that’s not the only way the singularity could play out.

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“America needs God more than God needs America.  If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”  - Ronald Reagan

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