Muslim notions of “improving” society may include purging it of “infidels” and their corrupt ways; or segregating men and women, keeping the latter under wraps or quarantined at home; or executing apostates and blasphemers.
By Virginia Christian Alliance on Jul 26, 2023 06:39 am
Christians in America have been betrayed by politicians of the Neo-Marxist Left who hate the foundational beliefs which formed our nation.
They want to obliterate the sacred creed of the Pilgrims, and the thousands of immigrants who followed them.
“The singularity” is a hypothetical point in time where the growth of technology gets out of control and becomes irreversible, for better or worse. Many believe the singularity will involve AI becoming self-conscious and unmanageable by its creators, but that’s not the only way the singularity could play out.
The mission of Virginia Christian Alliance is to promote moral, social. and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. - Read more about us
“America needs God more than God needs America. If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.” - Ronald Reagan
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