Friends -

Two states down and Bernie Sanders has received 10,000 more votes than the closest opponent and 30,000 more than the next closest.

But does he have your vote?

This is important – can you let us know that Bernie Sanders can count on your vote in Maryland?

Right now volunteers are calling, texting and knocking to talk to hundreds of thousands of voters.

Every response is critical. It lets us know where we stand. And it’s something we have to keep checking in on because, of course, things change as a campaign progresses.

So this is our ask of you: if Bernie Sanders can still count on your vote, please let us know. It’s important:

Add your name to tell our campaign Bernie Sanders can still count on your vote.

This weekend, we should know who won the Nevada caucus. The week after that, South Carolina. Days later, the race to claim 2,448 delegates in 29 contests during the month of March.

Knowing that Bernie has your vote before this push begins is critical. So thank you for telling us.

All my best,

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager


P.S. If you've already voted for Bernie, please use this link to let us know. We want to update Bernie on how many people have already voted for him and would love to add your name to the list.