The choice couldn’t be any clearer.
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You have a major choice to make in the Republican primary.

Will you go for a candidate who is cravenly HOPING that President Trump gets thrown in jail for the rest of his life just so that he can have even a taste of power?

OR the candidate who is so committed to putting America FIRST that he’d RISK spending the rest of his life in jail in order to save our country?

Sadly, RINOs are concocting a $370 MILLION scheme to try and defeat President Trump so that they can install their own nominee who has now PUBLICLY decided to align with the Deep State.

But fortunately for us, our movement is packed with over 74 MILLION courageous patriots who refuse to surrender our nation to tyranny.

Even a contribution of just $1 alongside your fellow patriots is enough to OUTRAISE these RINOs.


Thank you,

Team Trump


---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: (2) Donald J. Trump, me

Date: Thu, July 20, 2023

Subject: re: Back-stabbers

To: <[email protected]>


A memo was LEAKED revealing that RINO special-interest donors are legitimately HOPING that I get put in JAIL for 400 YEARS so that they can install a puppet nominee who will make amends with the Deep State.

But now, it’s no longer only being whispered about in private. Now, they’re PUBLICLY ADMITTING it.

On the day our nation learned that Biden’s Department of Injustice is plotting to INDICT me yet again and possibly even ARREST me – one of our primary opponents tried to MAKE EXCUSES for the Biden DOJ’s abuses of power.

Let me get this straight…

…The deeply unpopular sitting president is trying to jail his leading opponent like a communist dictator. Our freedom, our justice, and our rights are being ripped right out of our hands… 

…But some disloyal Republicans are not rushing to my defense to unequivocally CONDEMN this abuse of power – instead, they’re like VULTURES circling the skies, waiting and hoping to use our injustice and misfortune for their own personal gain, and even going so far as to DEFEND the Deep State.

These are not patriots. These are cowards, who would willingly sell out their country to the Deep State in exchange for even just a taste of power.

If they’d stab someone in the back who helped get them elected – all while our nation is on the brink of tyranny – then how could you ever trust them to defend YOU?

Right now, RINOs are concocting a $370 MILLION scheme to try and defeat me so that they can install their own nominee who has now PUBLICLY decided to align with the Deep State.

But fortunately for us, our movement is packed with over 74 MILLION courageous patriots who refuse to surrender our nation to tyranny.

Even a contribution of just $1 alongside your fellow patriots is enough to OUTRAISE these RINOs.


Thank you,

Donald J. Trump

45th President of the United States


---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Donald J. Trump

Date: Sat, July 15, 2023

Subject: LEAKED: The “long game”

To: <[email protected]>


A LEAKED report shows that RINO special interest donors are playing the “long game.”

Here’s what that means: they’re legitimately HOPING that after enough time passes, Crooked Joe will JAIL ME FOR LIFE so that they can install a puppet nominee who will make amends with the Deep State.

The sitting president is trying to jail his leading opponent like a communist dictator. Our freedom, our justice, and our rights are being ripped right out of our hands… 

.…But these backstabbing RINOs are not rushing to my aid to fire the sinister Crook in the White House – instead, they’re like VULTURES circling the skies, waiting and hoping to use our injustice and misfortune for their own personal gain. 

These are not patriots. These are cowards, who would willingly sell out their country in exchange for even just a taste of power.

But fortunately for us, our movement is packed with over 74 MILLION courageous patriots who refuse to surrender our nation to tyranny.

Even a contribution of just $1 alongside your fellow patriots is enough to OUTRAISE these RINOs.


Thank you,

Donald J. Trump

45th President of the United States

Contributions to Trump Save America JFC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
Paid for by Trump Save America Joint Fundraising Committee, a joint fundraising committee composed of and authorized by Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc. and Save America.

Trump Save America JFC, PO Box 13570, Arlington, VA 22219

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