Thanks to all the monthly sustainers who joined the virtual discussion Sunday. We'll be sharing some of the ideas generated, and questions posed, in future Refuse Fascism episodes. There's no new episode this week but we'll be back Sunday June 30.
This week, we've got reading suggestions from our editors Coco Das and Paul Street:
"...the real upshot of the affirmative action ruling is this: Colleges and
universities must now punish Black applicants by decreasing the
enrollment of Black students, by any means necessary. That’s because the
only way universities can show compliance with Roberts’s new rules is
to show that they’ve decreased the number of Black kids they let into
school. Anything less than that will likely trigger litigation from the
white supremacists who have already promised to hunt down schools that
admit too many Black people, as determined by their own
white-makes-right accounting system..."
Bob Avakian July 24
"...Not only is this Supreme Court decision horrific in itself, but think about its larger implications: If,
according to the Supreme Court, it is “legal” to discriminate on the
basis of “religious freedom”—or the right of “free speech” to express
“religious opinions” makes it legal to discriminate against whole groups of people—this could apply to a whole range of people against whom it is now “okay” to discriminate.
Once again, as for generations before the civil rights movement, owners
of public places (such as hotels, restaurants, stores, swimming pools,
and so on) and people selling or renting their homes could “legally”
refuse to serve or sell or rent to Black people—if
this refusal were done in the name of their religion (or the “right” of
“free speech” to express their religion by refusing to serve people)!
Clerks in the relevant government offices could refuse to issue marriage
licenses to inter-racial couples..."
Paul posted this on Counterpunch:
No Time to Celebrate: Trump Can Survive the Indictments
Paul Street July 21
"...This is no time for relief and celebration, trust me. Promising literal revenge, Trump has an Enemies List that would make Richard Nixon green with envy. A recent New York Times report shows
that the Trump campaign is 'planning a sweeping expansion of
presidential power over the machinery of government,' working up
detailed plans to 're-shap[e] the structure of the executive branch to
concentrate far greater authority directly in his hands' should he take
back the White House in 2025. The imperial presidency is nowhere near
imperial enough for Trump and his big team of far-right policy wonks, an
army of experts in authoritarian strategy and procedure far beyond
anything at his disposal in 2016 and 2017..."
We'll be back next week. Take some time this week to listen to previous Refuse Fascism episodes you may have missed here. And remember to rate and review on Apple Podcasts or your listening platform of choice.
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