Our anti-Medicare Privatization Lobby Day is here. 100 seniors have come in from around the country to meet with their members of Congress about the problems with substituting traditional Medicare with private insurance that delays and denies care.
It’s hot in DC today. The high is over 90 degrees and, though we have a lot of water, we need to get taxi cabs to move folks from meetings with their Representatives in the House to their Senators. It’s not a long walk, but it’s difficult for an 85-year-old in this heat.
Can you help us pay for cabs so that these brave seniors can stop Medicare privatization?
Seniors are especially powerful voices in this fight not just because they have direct experience with Medicare, but because politicians listen to them. When a 25-year-old constituent meets with them, politicians will dismiss them as a “maybe voter.” But seniors vote in every single election. And that scares the Dickens out of politicians.
This is the power of this Lobby Day. And it’s just the beginning: Between now and Medicare’s birthday this Sunday, we’re putting a spotlight on the stealth privatization of Medicare. And we’re going to stop it.
Donate today to help us get seniors to their meetings with the politicians who can stop Medicare privatization. Even $5 or $10 will make a huge difference.
Michael Phelan Social Security Works