Happy California Day!

Chole Marie Rivera, author for westsidetoday.com approached me personally at the convention! She stated that my Facebook advertising was the only reason she knew about it, and attended. I'm here to take credit for that because I am proud to help the LP! Check out an exceprt from the article below.

One candidate that didn’t make the debate stage was Dan “Taxation is Theft” Behrman—he didn’t change his name legally through government processes, which require permission. Instead, two years ago, he declared his “lawful” name. His goal is to get the Libertarian message outside of the party. Behrman supports 5 of the 6 candidates but didn’t want to disclose the exception. [ Read More ]

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Behrman 2020 Or Taxation Is Theft


Send me to Florida!

My next convention is in Culver City, CA today and the Florida convention in Orlando is this week! Should I go to Florida? I need your help! Donate to ensure I'm there.

Your donations, whether large or small, will ensure we get to the Libertarian Conventions. We need at least 250 people to donate at least $50 per month. Donate $50 or more for a free gift! That's less than being tax slaves!

In Liberty,

Dan Taxation Is Theft Behrman