Tell Buttigieg: It’s Time to Consider Climate Change



Did you know greedy companies are rushing to build new oil and gas export terminals off Texas and Louisiana coasts?

These projects are known as “carbon bombs” because combined, they would emit around three times what the entire U.S. emits each year, pushing the world closer to climate catastrophe.

Now, thanks to new guidelines from the White House, federal agencies can evaluate the impact these projects will have on our climate, but it is up to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to ensure the rules are enforced to the fullest extent possible.

Add your name to call on Buttigieg to evaluate the impact new offshore export terminals will have on our climate.

From wildfires, hurricanes, drought, and more, we are all facing the challenges brought by the climate crisis. New projects that export fossil fuels will only increase greenhouse gas emissions and delay the transition to a just, clean energy future.

Buttigieg needs to take action to bring these toxic projects under scrutiny and take meaningful action to address climate change.

Thank you for taking action,

Kelsey Crane
Senior Policy Advocate, Earthworks  |  Make a Donation

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