Dear John,
We hope you had a great weekend! All of us here at Daniels for Congress definitely did, and that’s thanks to donors like you!
On Thursday, we announced our July fundraising challenge. In case you missed it, our donors have challenged us to raise $15,000 online before July 31st, and have pledged to match donations made between now and then.
We are pleased to tell you that we’ve already raised over $4,200 since we announced the challenge, and we’re confident that with loyal supporters like you, we will reach our goal!
Are you ready to take the challenge? CLICK HERE to donate NOW!
Thank you for your ongoing support!
The entire team at Daniels for Congress
P.S. If you missed Shamaine's message about Scott Parry's dangerous antics in Congress since the beginning of the year, check it out below and stay tuned for more updates about "the most dangerous member of Congress" in the week ahead!
As part of our July fundraising challenge (details at the bottom of this message), we're trying to make sure our supporters are better informed about the threat my opponent, Scott Perry, poses to our country. We believe that when you understand what Perry has been up to in 2023, you'll see why it is so important that you support our campaign and help me defeat Perry.
If you already understand the stakes, CLICK HERE to make a contribution to our campaign and help us reach our goal before July 31st.
For two years, we’ve been telling everyone that Scott Perry is one of the most dangerous members of Congress. You don’t need to take our word for it. Ever since he tried to help Donald Trump steal the election in 2020, and became the chair of the House Freedom Caucus, Perry has demonstrated over and over again just how dangerous he is.
In fact, beginning with the debacle over the speakership, Perry and his extremist flunkies have set out to sabotage and undermine our institutions, our economy, our national security, and the social fabric of our country. Let’s take a look at Perry’s greatest hits just since the beginning of 2023:
- Undermined the power of the Speaker to conduct the business of the House of Representatives and the American people
- Threatened U.S. economic security and held the country hostage during the debt limit debate
Compromised U.S. national security and military readiness by dragging the Defense Authorization Act into a made-up culture war controversy
Perry has no business serving in Congress. We can defeat him in 2024, but we can’t do it without your help.
Can you make a contribution today to help us defeat the most dangerous member of Congress?
We are currently in the middle of a fundraising challenge, and donations made before July 31st will be matched by the generous donors who have stepped up to issue this challenge. Your contribution today will have double the impact so ACT NOW!
Not ready to make a contribution? stay tuned to your inbox for details on each of the ways Perry has been a threat to our country over the past seven months.
With Gratitude,