Dust off your bow bow tie, grab your ball gown from the drycleaner,
and get ready for the 6th annual red carpet Jonesie Waste Awards to be
hosted at Parliament next month.
Our lovable swine intern and friendly mascot, Porky the
Waste-hater will join an expert panel and nominate five of the
very worst examples of government greed, grift, and gluttonous waste
across each of local and central government.

What are the Jonesie Waste Awards? The
Jonesie Waste Awards is an unapologetic yet tongue-in-cheek
recognition of the most memorable acts of government waste, excessive
regulation, and inefficiency. It's an opportunity to hold those in
power to account for their actions and bring attention to the issues
that matter most.
Click here to watch last year's Jonesies
We are counting on
Friend, the time has come to nominate
individuals, civil servants, government agencies, and politicians who
have showcased the most egregious examples of government waste in the
categories of Local Government, Central Government, and Lifetime
Achievement. On the 17th of August, The Taxpayers' Union
will host these awards, live from Parliament.
Don't wait too long! All nominations must
be submitted by Thursday the 10th of August 2023.
Thank you for your support.
Purves Campaigns Manager New Zealand
Taxpayers’ Union.