From Eagle Forum, Anne Schlafly, Chairman <[email protected]>
Subject Is Our Constitution in Jeopardy?
Date July 24, 2023 11:59 PM
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200 W 3rd St., Ste. 502 • Alton, IL 62002 • 618-433-8990 • [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
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I am so excited to tell you about a brand-new book on our fabulous United States Constitution. Too many Americans missed out on civics in school and this book makes learning about the Constitution fun and easy. The format is an answer-and-question game. Some are easy, some are more difficult to guess, but all ages can play the game and discover the rulebook for America.

Is Our Constitution in Jeopardy?

Pre-order ([link removed]) your copy today and be ready for Constitution Day on September 17, which celebrates the 236th anniversary of the writing of this important document.

Did you know that by Congressional mandate, “Each educational institution that receives Federal funds for a fiscal year shall hold an educational program on the United States Constitution on September 17 of such year for the students served by the educational institution.” Remind your school of this Congressional mandate and provide this book to your school so they can use it as a teaching tool.


Answer: These rights are unalienable.
Question: What are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?

Answer: This term of office is because James Madison said, “frequency of elections is the cornerstone of free government.”
Question: What is the two-year term for Congress?

Answer: Participating in this freedom does not include a gym membership, but to live and express faith in God.
Question: What is the free exercise of religion?

The greatest honor in my mother’s life was that President Ronald Reagan appointed Phyllis Schlafly as a Commissioner on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution. She served with Chief Justice Warren Burger and Teddy Kennedy and made friends with both men. As a result of her work, she published her teaching tool on the Constitution, “We the People” and that YouTube video can be seen here: [link removed]

I used my mother’s source materials to write this new book for a new generation of Americans.

It’s OUR Constitution. Let’s know it and use it. With this document, Americans have rights that are not available in the rest of the world. Yes, America is an exceptional country. - Anne Schlafly
Pre-Order Today! ([link removed])

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