America’s fisheries have a huge impact on our environment, economy, food supply and recreation. Sustainable management of America's oceans is especially important to coastal California communities like ours, where we enjoy fresh sustainable seafood as a way of life. That’s why I’m committed to listening to everyone as we formulate new federal fisheries policies that address our most current needs, opportunities and challenges.
As chair of the House Subcommittee on Water, Oceans, and Wildlife, I’ve been conducting a nationwide listening tour so I can gather the opinions of environmental activists, fishermen, seafood dealers, culinary experts, and others. So far I've held listening sessions in Arcata, San Francisco, Seattle, Baltimore, and New Orleans - with more of these public meetings still in the works.
I've already heard so many helpful suggestions and perspectives. Across the board, participants pointed to climate change as a challenge that must be addressed in fisheries and oceans policy. Other important topics included improved data and monitoring, increased accountability, and more public input.
If you support this work to develop better policies for our nation’s fisheries and seafood industry, please click here to add your name to our petition right now.
I’m also working to improve the federal fisheries disaster relief program to help those who depend on productive fisheries—from commercial fishermen to tribes to seafood purveyors—deal with unexpected disruptions and crises.
Earlier this month, I introduced the Fishery Failures: Urgently Needed Disaster Declarations Act, a bill designed to provide faster disaster relief for impacted communities. This law is especially critical considering we’ve experienced more natural disasters in recent years than ever before.
I'm working with Republicans and Democrats alike to make this happen: the Fishery FUNDD Act is gaining bipartisan support in Congress. Now we need you to sign on, too.
Please click here and let Congress know that you want coastal communities that are severely impacted by natural disasters to get the timely relief they deserve.
Thanks for your help,