Today is the last day to sign up for a provisional ballot in the CA primary!
We have just 14 days to go until the California Primary on Tuesday, March 3rd. I need your support in order to make it past the primary and into the general election in November. 
Please make sure you are registered to vote and participate in the voting process - either by mail or showing up to the polls on Tuesday, March 3rd. To register to vote and receive your provisional ballot - CLICK HERE. Remember, today is the deadline!
Need to check your registration status? CLICK HERE to see if you are registered to vote in the California Primary on March 3rd.
Want to vote by mail? The last day to request a vote-by-mail ballot is Tuesday, Feb. 25. You can do so by contacting the OC Register of Voters or visting any polling location.
Also, please consider making a donation to my campaign. Our goal is to raise $2,020 by March 3rd. Money raised will help get my message out to the voters - my commitment to help make our economy work for everybody, especially our friends in Orange County who are to living paycheck to paycheck, and ensuring we can all have adequate health insurance and affordable prescription drugs. Will you show your support and make a donation today?
I'm counting on you.
Thank you for your support,