Paid for by Arizona Democrats

"Arizona Democratic Party Files Complaint to Ensure Voters are Protected from Shadowy Dark Money Interests Breaking Campaign Finance Rules"

“No Labels is not following the rules required of a political party, despite claiming to the Secretary of State and Arizonans that they are a functioning political party,” said Morgan Dick, Executive Director for the Arizona Democratic Party. “That is why the Arizona Democratic Party is filing this complaint – nobody should be exempt from the law, especially not an out-of-state dark money group. Arizonans deserve better and voters deserve to know who is behind this shadowy organization and what potentially nefarious agenda they are pushing.”


Shadowy organizations like No Labels threaten the security of our elections. Parties have to adhere to strict rules and regulations to ensure voters aren't fooled and that our electoral process remains free and fair for the sake of our democracy. 

We have to protect transparency in the political process. We can’t let dark money organizations influence our elections. Can you sign on today to support keeping dark money out of politics?


This organization has been known to use dark money attached to special interests and corporate lobbyists to satisfy an agenda that befits an elite few at the expense of hard-working, everyday Americans.

Out-of-state and out-of-touch mega donors shouldn’t control our political process. Can we count on you right now to sign on?

— AZ Dems