Hi John,
The Trudeau government is giving big bonuses to bureaucrats with your money.
Even worse: bureaucrats are getting these bonuses even when they fail to meet their targets.
The Bank of Canada has one job: keep inflation low and around two per cent. It failed to do its one job. But it still gave itself $20 million in bonuses in 2022.
The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation “exists for a single reason: to make housing affordable for everyone in Canada,” according to its website.
The CMHC handed out almost $50 million in bonuses in 2020 and 2021 when Canadians couldn’t afford homes.
The CBC has handed out almost $100 million in bonuses since 2015.
Bonuses are also raining down within government departments.

The feds dished out $1.3 billion in bonuses since 2015, despite a report from the Parliamentary Budget Officer finding less than 50 per cent of their own performance targets are consistently met.

Do you think the government should be handing out bonuses with your tax dollars even when it’s missing targets?
If you want to help end the taxpayer-funded bonuses for bureaucrats then you can add your name to the online PETITION to make government pay fair for taxpayers: https://www.taxpayer.com/petitions/make-federal-government-pay-fair-for-taxpayers
Stay tuned on this issue. We’ll let you know when you have an opportunity to act and push the government to end some of these unfair perks.
Thanks for fighting for taxpayers – it’s making a difference!

  • Franco, Todd, Shannon and the CTF team.

PS: You can help end the taxpayer-funded bonuses for bureaucrats by signing this online PETITION: https://www.taxpayer.com/petitions/make-federal-government-pay-fair-for-taxpayers

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