This Tues - July CMM

July Chapter Membership Meeting:



This Tuesday, July 25th, 7p

In-person at Southside Commons

3518 S Edmunds St

(Zoom option available)




Our July Chapter Membership meeting is one week out from potentially one of the largest strikes in US history with 340,000 UPS workers striking for an end to poverty wages for part-time workers - the majority of the UPS workforce. 


Join us to discuss the upcoming strike, the counterattack by UPS, the corporate media, and the ruling class, and the role of Seattle DSA in supporting the strike.


UPS Teamster STRIKE Solidarity Tabling/Postering


This Saturday (7/29), 11 am

Beacon Hill Light Rail Station



This Sunday (7/30), 11am

Capitol Hill Farmers Market




Right now 340,000 UPS workers, members of the teamsters union, are in a contract fight with UPS and if a deal is not reached by August 1st we might see one of the largest strike in US history. ​Even though UPS made over $13 billion in profits last year the company has refused to budge on paying its part time workers, the majority of its workers, a living wage. And the company has begun to spread its corporate propaganda in an effort to put a stop to efforts to build solidarity amongst the working class.


If you haven’t sign the strike ready pledge here to commit to showing up on the picket lines if UPS workers go on strike.


Labor Movie Night:

Labor's Turning Point


This Sunday, July 30 8pm

The Beacon Cinema

4405 Rainier Ave S

RSVP HERE for your ticket! 


This is a free event, but we encourage you to donate $15 if you can. Nobody will be turned away! DONATE HERE!


Heard about the possible UPS strike? Excited by the upsurge in labor activity these past few months. Want to see inside one of the most famous strikes in US history? Feeling curious about the history of the Teamsters and how they got a reputation as a fighting union?


Join Seattle DSA on July 30th 8 pm at the Beacon to watch the documentary ‘Labor’s Turning Point’. The documentary covers the famous 1934 Teamsters strike in Minneapolis. During the strike the local business alliance unleashed a brutal strike breaking campaign against the workers. However, the teamsters and their socialist leadership were able to effectively unite the working class of the town against the effort and succeed in winning the strike. This helped spark the growth of the teamsters union and transform Minneapolis into a union town. 


After the film we will discuss the UPS Teamsters contract fight, the current labor movement and get ourselves ready to turnout to the picket lines if a strike is called on August 1st (Sign DSA’s Strike Ready Pledge).



🔥Episode 4 just DROPPED🔥


Check it out wherever you get your podcasts, or directly from the RSS feed here


We also debuted the new SOCIALIST SOUND logo, designed by the great Valerie Ross, a Seattle DSA member (now living on the Portuguese coast!). Help boost our chapter's podcast by following and leaving a 5-Star review.




In this episode, we dig into the sharp debates and controversies surrounding DSA’s electoral work. My four guests are candidates for DSA's National Political Committee hoping to be among the 16 elected at the August National Convention of DSA in Chicago. Each represent a different DSA caucus.


There are 41 candidates for the National Political Committee, which is the highest elected body between DSA’s bi-annual National Conventions. The political make-up of the team elected to lead the largest socialist organization in the US is arguably the most important decision the Chicago Convention will take.


Yet even within DSA, too often we default to dominant norms of US political culture, reducing political debate to sound-bites and gotcha moments on social media. In the spirit of a more engaged democratic process, this extended episode features a far more in-depth discussion over how DSA can address one of our central challenges: building a powerful and yet accountable socialist electoral project.


My guests:

Amy Wilhelm is co-chair of Seattle DSA, and a trans Marxist born and raised in Seattle. Amy’s background is in tenant organizing, and they’re a member of the Marxist Unity Group, a DSA caucus.


Philip Locker is a long time socialist organizer and a member of the Seattle Education Association. He helped lead the fight to win the $15 minimum wage in Seattle, the first major city to do so. Philip recently completed a term as Co-chair of Seattle DSA and is a member of the Reform & Revolution caucus.


Alex Pellitteri is a Bread & Roses caucus candidate for NPC. He is from NYC-DSA where he has served as a campaign manager for a DSA-endorsed candidate; he served on the Socialists in Office Committee; and helped start a YDSA chapter.


Sam Heft-Luthy is a former co-chair of DSA San Francisco, the current Secretary of California DSA, and a member of the Red Star caucus. He served on DSA SF's electoral strategy commission in 2021 and was a staff organizer for the chapter's People First San Francisco ballot measure campaign. He grew up in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle.



We need folks to help us keep collecting through August. We really need teams to send to doors as much as possible.  We will provide training, support, materials and more!  But it’s going to take a few more core organizers to get this over the line by late August.


This is our chance to deliver a MASSIVE wealth transfer of $45 million EVERY YEAR from the corporate elite to the working class, especially the most marginalized minimum wage workers! THIS IS OUR LAST CHANCE TO QUALIFY FOR THE BALLOT!

Sign up to help socialists deliver for workers here:


This Tues. July 25   (3 - 7 PM)   RSVP here