Hi John,
Did you see that Joe Biden raised $72 million for his re-election campaign this quarter? With the power of grassroots donations, Biden’s total came in at more than Trump and DeSantis’s quarterly totals combined.
It’s great news, but we have to keep up the momentum. Unfortunately, Trump actually leads the current field of candidates in cash on hand.
Campaigns are a long game, and in order to make it over the finish line we have to keep asking for your support.
Will you split a donation between Joe Biden's and my campaigns? I wouldn't ask if it wasn't super important.
With your help, we won amazing victories last year and in 2020. I look forward to doing it all over again, side-by-side with you.
P.S. Monthly donations are often the best way to show your support so that we have a steady, reliable cash flow. Please consider a recurring joint donation!