Meeting with National Cotton Council
The cotton industry contributes over 1 billion dollars annually to Georgia, and as Vice Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, I understand how valuable this crop is to our nation's economy.
I met with the National Cotton Council in D.C. to hear the needs of cotton farmers ahead of the upcoming Farm Bill.
Read more here.
Meeting with Middle Georgia State University
Middle Georgia State provides quality education to many students, especially to those interested in aviation.
I met with President Blake and Provost Jenks to discuss how we can support the university in D.C.
Read more here.
Meeting with the 75th Ranger Regiment
As the Senate considers the House-passed National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), I met with the U.S. Army's 75th Ranger Regiment from Ft. Moore, Georgia, in D.C. to hear their thoughts on this legislation and how final passage of this bill in Congress will support our warfighters in Georgia.