Promoting Worker Rights Worldwide
July 24, 2023
Media Mentions & News

A daily digest of major media coverage of issues that affect workers, workers' rights, and workers' organizations overseas; discuss the impact of globalization; or mention the work of the Solidarity Center. 
Workers & Worker Rights
‘We Can’t Endure This’: Migrants Suffer in Extreme Tunisian Heat
Italy’s Meloni Seeks Broad Cooperation to Stanch Flows of Migrants to Europe with Aid to Africa
Zimbabwean Migrants: South Africa’s Anti-Immigrant Sentiments Are Hindering Policy Reform

Death Toll Rises as Kenya’s Cost-of-Living Protests Continue
For Migrants, the Darién Gap Is Hell; for Adventure Tourists, It's a Magnet
Border Patrol Is Caging Migrants Outdoors During Deadly Arizona Heatwave
Uprooted: How Climate Change Is Reshaping Migration from Honduras
Entities Denounce DGM Imprisoning Migrants in Hospital (in Dominican Republic, from Haiti)
Latin American Migrants Holding Informal Jobs Hamper Their Integration, Report Says
Migrant Worker Groups Urge Government for Timeline to Stop Transporting Workers in Lorries (Singapore)
Telangana BRS, BJP Weakened Rights of Workers (India)
Three Workers Killed in Explosion at Indian Cement Factory
Pakistan: Amended Media Bill Contradicts on Labor Rights and Dangerously Defines Disinformation
Sudan: Attacks on Health Workers Jeopardize Remaining Hospitals Operating in Khartoum
The Palestinian Women Working to Save Gaza's Fishing Industry
How Do We Create a Future of Work that Centers on the Well-Being of People?

Director-General Urges All FAO Members to Reduce Drivers of Migration

Civil Unrest & Protests
Death Toll Rises as Kenya’s Cost-Of-Living Protests Continue
Israeli Parliament Passes Divisive Law Weakening Supreme Court

Climate Change & Environment
Uprooted: How Climate Change Is Reshaping Migration from Honduras

Closing Space for Civil Society
Russia Jails Navalny Campaigner Vadim Ostanin for ‘Extremism’
In Belarus, the Protests Were Three Years Ago. the Crackdown Is Never-Ending.

Corruption & Corporate Malfeasance
Bangladesh: Can EU Pressure Ensure Fair Elections?

Democracy & Authoritarianism 
Pakistan: Amended Media Bill Contradicts on Labor Rights and Dangerously Defines Disinformation
Bangladesh: Can EU Pressure Ensure Fair Elections?
In Belarus, the Protests Were Three Years Ago. the Crackdown Is Never-Ending.
Israeli Parliament Passes Divisive Law Weakening Supreme Court
Tunisia: Human Rights at Risk Two Years After President Saied’s Power Grab

Gender Inequality
South African Province Introduces Midnight Alcohol Curfew to Tackle GBV
Women Deliver: We Can’t Ignore Disabled Women, Girls in GBV Prevention (Africa)
Video of Women Attacked in Manipur Breaks Silence on Systematic Gang Rapes in India
Why Women Need to Be at the Heart of Disaster Response: Lessons from Odisha Super Cyclone (India)
Govt Makes Laws to Prevent Gender-Based Discriminations: Anisul (Bangladesh)
Why Good Data Is Key to Unlocking Gender Equality

Human Rights
Death Toll Rises as Kenya’s Cost-of-Living Protests Continue
Wagner Group Disappeared and Executed Civilians in Mali
Border Patrol Is Caging Migrants Outdoors During Deadly Arizona Heatwave
Video of Women Attacked in Manipur Breaks Silence on Systematic Gang Rapes in India
Tunisia: Human Rights at Risk Two Years After President Saied’s Power Grab

Humanitarian Crises
Why Women Need to Be at the Heart of Disaster Response: Lessons from Odisha Super Cyclone (India)

Labor Migration & Human Trafficking
Zimbabwean Migrants: South Africa’s Anti-Immigrant Sentiments Are Hindering Policy Reform
Italy’s Meloni Seeks Broad Cooperation to Stanch Flows of Migrants to Europe with Aid to Africa
‘We Can’t Endure This’: Migrants Suffer in Extreme Tunisian Heat
Uprooted: How Climate Change Is Reshaping Migration from Honduras
Entities Denounce DGM Imprisoning Migrants in Hospital (in DR from Haiti)
Latin American Migrants Holding Informal Jobs Hamper Their Integration, Report Says
For Migrants, the Darién Gap Is Hell; for Adventure Tourists, It's a Magnet
Border Patrol Is Caging Migrants Outdoors During Deadly Arizona Heatwave
Director-General Urges All FAO Members to Reduce Drivers of Migration
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‘We Can’t Endure This’: Migrants Suffer in Extreme Tunisian Heat
Zimbabwean Migrants: South Africa’s Anti-Immigrant Sentiments Are Hindering Policy Reform

Death Toll Rises as Kenya’s Cost-Of-Living Protests Continue
Italy’s Meloni Seeks Broad Cooperation to Stanch Flows of Migrants to Europe with Aid to Africa

Wagner Group Disappeared and Executed Civilians in Mali
South African Province Introduces Midnight Alcohol Curfew to Tackle GBV
Women Deliver: We Can’t Ignore Disabled Women, Girls in GBV Prevention (Africa)

Americas & Caribbean
For Migrants, the Darién Gap Is Hell; for Adventure Tourists, It's a Magnet
Border Patrol Is Caging Migrants Outdoors During Deadly Arizona Heatwave
Uprooted: How Climate Change Is Reshaping Migration from Honduras
Entities Denounce DGM Imprisoning Migrants in Hospital (in DR from Haiti)
Latin American Migrants Holding Informal Jobs Hamper Their Integration, Report Says

Three Workers Killed in Explosion at Indian Cement Factory
Telangana BRS, BJP Weakened Rights of Workers
Video of Women Attacked in Manipur Breaks Silence on Systematic Gang Rapes in India
Why Women Need to Be at the Heart of Disaster Response: Lessons from Odisha Super Cyclone (India)
Govt Makes Laws to Prevent Gender-Based Discriminations: Anisul (Bangladesh)
Bangladesh: Can EU Pressure Ensure Fair Elections?
Pakistan: Amended Media Bill Contradicts on Labor Rights and Dangerously Defines Disinformation
Migrant Worker Groups Urge Government for Timeline to Stop Transporting Workers in Lorries (Singapore)

Central Europe, Russia & Central Asia
Russia Jails Navalny Campaigner Vadim Ostanin for ‘Extremism’
In Belarus, the Protests Were Three Years Ago. the Crackdown Is Never-Ending.

Italy’s Meloni Seeks Broad Cooperation to Stanch Flows of Migrants to Europe with Aid to Africa

Middle East & North Africa
‘We Can’t Endure This’: Migrants Suffer in Extreme Tunisian Heat
Tunisia: Human Rights at Risk Two Years After President Saied’s Power Grab
Sudan: Attacks on Health Workers Jeopardize Remaining Hospitals Operating in Khartoum

 Italy’s Meloni Seeks Broad Cooperation to Stanch Flows of Migrants to Europe with Aid to Africa
Israeli Parliament Passes Divisive Law Weakening Supreme Court
The Palestinian Women Working to Save Gaza's Fishing Industry
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