Hey again. Faiz here with a quick note to a few people I was hoping to convince to make their first contribution to Bernie’s campaign today.

As you know, the Nevada caucus is on Saturday, and it’s a contest that could propel us right to the nomination if we do well.

We obviously aren’t the only ones who know this. That’s why other candidates have been holding non-stop big money fundraisers and there are multiple super PACs in the state running ads to stop us.

Looking at our plan to win the Nevada caucus, there’s still a bit more we can do to help our chances. But to make it happen, we need a good number of folks to chip in $2.70 before the end of the night — because time is running to put these donations to work, and I have to make some decisions in the AM.

So what do you say? Please use this link so we can track donations made specifically to help us win Nevada and win this nomination:


Once again, thank you for everything you’ve done to support this campaign. Your support today gives us a great chance to win on Saturday.

