URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Wild bees are DYING OUT while Bayer-Monsanto profits from bee-killing pesticides!
Bayer-Monsanto has lied to you and the rest of the public about the dangers of the pesticides it sells. It’s MANIPULATED science and DODGED regulations designed to keep you, me, and pollinators safe – all so it can continue to rake in the cash at our expense.
The neonic pesticides Bayer-Monsanto sells can kill bees on contact, and they’ve made U.S. agriculture nearly 48x more toxic to bees! They are linked to health impacts in people, too, including hormone disruption and birth defects of the heart and brain.
Bayer-Monsanto knows its pesticides are dangerous. But instead of switching to safe alternatives, it’s decided to hide the truth and continue profiting off dying bees and sick people. Friend, demand accountability from Bayer-Monsanto and STOP bee-killing pesticides before our urgent deadline of 11:59pm TONIGHT!
We are in the midst of a POLLINATOR CRISIS! Wild bees are dying at a DISTURBING rate. Several species of beloved bumblebees have lost as much as 90% of their population over the last few decades. Bayer-Monsanto deserves part of that blame.
Instead of using its resources to bring attention to the pollinator crisis or to find sustainable alternatives to its toxic pesticides, Bayer-Monsanto is spending BIG on disinformation campaigns to deny and distract from its role.
The good news: environmentalists like you and me aren’t fooled by big corporations. That’s why I know I can count on you to take action today. Send your message to Bayer-Monsanto: stop selling bee-killing pesticides!
Standing with you,
Kendra Klein
Deputy Director for Science,
Friends of the Earth