A dangerous threat looms at the United Nations, directly targeting our right to practice our Christian beliefs. The recent UN report recommends governments to enforce LGBT ideology within religious contexts. This puts our Christian faith and practices in danger everywhere, also in the United States.
Take action immediately by signing the petition to protect our Christian beliefs from the UN's LGBT agenda. Preserve our freedom to practice our faith independently and without interference. SIGN THE PETITION |
Dear John,
A storm is brewing at the United Nations... It's a challenge to our right to practice our Christian beliefs, and it's happening now. Recently, during the 53rd United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), a report was released that claims religious freedom conflicts with LGBT rights. It suggests that governments should enforce acceptable LGBT standards within religious contexts and penalize non-compliant religious leaders and organizations. Make no mistake... This report isn't just a recommendation, it's a blueprint for governments to control religious practices and enforce LGBT ideologies within religious settings. This means that the United States becomes an unsafe place for Christians. The alarming effects of this could reach far and wide - from your local priest to your kids at university, and even you! Expressing your opinions based on your religious beliefs could potentially result in being reported. There is an urgency to act now before this issue moves from a report to the negotiation table. We aim to collect 300,000 signatures in the upcoming weeks to prevent the radical proposal from advancing.
Please, sign our petition urging the President of the United States to take strong action to safeguard our Christian beliefs against the LGBT agenda being promoted by the United Nations.
We were present in Geneva when this report came to light... If you remember, I urgently asked for your help to raise awareness among the delegates from the United States and other countries. Our goal was to persuade them to reject the proposal. Well... I hate to be the bearer of such news, but the pro-LGBT lobby's report taken into consideration and the ramifications of it are truly outrageous and cause for alarm. It implies that priests may be forced to officiate same-sex marriages or risk losing their privilege to conduct legally recognized marriages. It also suggests that UN member states should utilize supportive religious leaders to advocate for LGBT ideologies, thereby imposing these ideologies on all religions, including our Christian faith. This is a direct encroachment on our religious freedom and beliefs. Victor Madrigal-Borloz, the UN independent expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI), who drafted this report, believes that unless all religions endorse pro-LGBT ideas, individuals identifying as LGBT will be alienated, causing them pain and potentially violating their human rights. However, this is not just an opposition between two different beliefs. It's about the right to practice our faith freely and independently, versus a world where governments dictate our religious practices. Our petition could avert this dire situation. But we must act immediately. Help us collect 300,000 signatures in the upcoming weeks to prevent the radical proposal from advancing in the United States and worldwide.
Please, sign our petition urging the President of the United States to take strong action to safeguard our Christian beliefs against the LGBT agenda being promoted by the United Nations.
The United States has a strong Christian community that values its freedom of religion. We believe that by standing firm in our faith and urging our leader to reject this UN report, we can demonstrate the strength of our conviction. If we stand together and make our voices heard, our leaders will have to listen. The voices of thousands of citizens cannot be ignored. By collecting 300,000 signatures across all countries participating in this global campaign, we will successfully deter the threat. Based on our experience, applying pressure early increases the chances of preventing the radical left, LGBT groups, and advocates of gender ideology proposals from reaching negotiation stages. You and I find ourselves in a conflict between our religious convictions and the imposition of ideologies, such as transgenderism and homosexuality, that contradict and challenge these convictions. It's a battle for the preservation of respect towards our beliefs. Winning this battle means preserving the freedom to practice our Christian faith independently and without government interference. Losing means the erosion of our religious rights and freedoms. This is a pressing issue, and we need to act now. We must confront this proposal before it gains traction and risks going to a vote. Let us assert that our Christian rights are non-negotiable!
Please, sign our petition urging the President of the United States to take strong action to safeguard our Christian beliefs against the LGBT agenda being promoted by the United Nations. Thanks for joining this critical fight! Ignacio Arsuaga and the entire CitizenGO Team PS. After you've signed, please share this petition with as many people as possible. It is only through our collective effort that we can make a real impact.