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Good morning!

This is your weekly newsletter from the Connecticut Republicans called "Trunk Talk." We hope you enjoy these exclusive updates.   

ICYMI, below are a few recent highlights from the Connecticut Republicans on what is happening in Connecticut and in the news nationwide.
Connecticut Democrats continue to prove that they are unfit to lead and completely out of touch with Connecticut residents. 
In other news: 
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We are fighting back against Ned Lamont and the Democrats' dangerous agenda for Connecticut and America. Your generous support will help us continue advocating for common-sense, Republican leadership. 
Save Our State
In the News Nationwide:

Foreign nationals gave Biden family and associates over $17M, IRS whistleblower claims

Biden’s new student loan relief plan — and its legal challenges — face a long road

Leading leftist Jayapal faces GOP censure for calling Israel a 'racist state'

Friend, Connecticut Republicans are working overtime to stop the Democrats' radical agenda. With YOUR help, we can continue our work.

If you want to support the efforts of the CTGOP, you can donate here:
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Middletown, Connecticut 06457

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