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Dear John,
The LGTBQ+ community is under attack. A recent Supreme Court decision allows businesses to refuse to serve LGTBQ+ customers. Don’t say “gay” laws. Attacks on gender affirming care. According to Human Rights Campaign, over 520 anti-LGTBQ+ bills have been introduced in state legislatures already in 2023.1 And, every June, big corporations slap rainbows on their logos and talk about supporting the LGTBQ+ community. Then, many of these corporations turn around and donate to politicians who actively work against LGTBQ+ rights.
We need your help today.
Sign this petition to tell corporations to stop funding LGTBQ+ hate.
It is the height of cynical hypocrisy to make a few dollars off the LGTBQ+ community in June, and then donate to the very politicians working to oppress that community the rest of the year. AT&T, UPS, Comcast and Home Depot are just a few of the companies who donate to politicians hostile to the LGTBQ+ community. It's time for these corporations to put their money where their mouths are and truly support the LGBTQ+ community.
Click here to sign the petition to tell corporations to stop donating to anti-LGTBQ+ politicians.
Thank you for speaking out. Please share with like-minded friends.
-The team at CREDO Mobile
P.S. CREDO Mobile supports the LGTBQ+ community all year round. Since 1985, CREDO has donated more than $15 million to progressive nonprofits fighting for equality and civil rights – groups like the Transgender Law Center, SAGE, Family Equality and the National LGTBQ Task Force. Learn more here.
Over $94 million donated to progressive causes since 1985.

CREDO Mobile - The pioneer in doing good since 1985.