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Monday, July 24th, 2023


The Smear Against RFK, Jr.

Lew Rockwell

The Culture War Against Thinking Individuals by the Vast Ideologically-Motivated Insane

Gary D. Barnett


Dr Naomi Wolf

What Noam Chomsky Can Teach Us About Freedom of Speech

Margaret Anna Alice

A Third World War Seems a Certainty

Paul Craig Roberts

Intervene Only When It’s in ‘Our National Interest’?

Jacob G. Hornberger

Why ‘Classical’ Liberals Want Decentralization

Ryan McMaken

Ukraine’s Agent Zelensky… a Puppet Show Produced by the West

Strategic Culture

WEF & King Charles: The Entire Global System Has Failed

Helena Glass

How Your Future Is Being Decided for You

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Strike! Hollywood Writers Are Up in Arms About AI Writing Their Scripts

Jon Rappoport

Of Communism and Oppenheimer

Sasha Stone

Political Theatre

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