You’re a fluffy baby polar bear, getting ready to cozy up to your mama for sleep — safe and warm in the comfort of your den, hidden far below the ice’s surface. As a newborn, you’re too weak to survive on your own in the scary, big world. On the outside, your Arctic habitat is warming twice as fast as the rest of the Earth, and every patch of glacial land that hasn’t melted away is precious.

But as you drift off to sleep in your mama’s embrace, the ground begins to shake. It’s getting heavier and more aggressive. The quaking intensifies. Loud whirring sounds roar through the den as you shiver in fear. Even mama bear seems distressed, crying out in defense, but you can’t even hear her roaring through the noise. Before you know it, the den ceiling begins to crack and the walls begin to crash and crumble. Suddenly, a GIANT METAL MASS bulldozes through, collapsing your shelter — and RUNNING OVER AND KILLING your tiny cub siblings as it barrels towards you. Then everything goes black.

What was that large industrial-size device that completely crushed these harmless polar bear cubs to death? It was a massive oil drilling machine! Friend, the increase in Arctic fossil fuel activity is threatening endangered polar bears, and we MUST take action now. Will you help defend helpless polar bears today by signing our petition now to STOP Big Oil drilling and fracking in the Arctic? Add your name now >>

Friend, polar bears are already suffering the worst impacts of human-driven climate change as their sensitive Arctic habitat is melting TWICE as fast as the rest of the world. And when Big Oil charges through, it brings toxic pollutants into the region and releases harmful greenhouse gas emissions that speed up the ice melting — threatening polar survival even further.

While federal laws require Big Oil to avoid known polar bear denning sites by at least a mile when drilling in the Arctic, recent studies show significant flaws in the accuracy of the current technology used to detect these polar bear shelters deep beneath the ice. And as you read in our story above, failure to correctly identify the dens before fossil fuel extraction means DANGER for nursing polar bear mamas and their cubs. The massive drilling equipment can not only run over and crush these polar bears to death, but it can even bury these poor animals alive!

Now, the Biden administration has caved to pressure from Big Oil by signing a new rule permitting increased oil and gas activity in the Arctic. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has confirmed a 95% probability that the new rule will result in “SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH” to endangered Southern Beaufort polar bears, the most imperiled polar bears in the WORLD. 

If we’re going to save these polar bears and protect the Arctic from fossil fuel greed, we need 2,893 more activist signatures by 11:59 P.M. TONIGHT to pressure FWS into REJECTING increased oil drilling and fracking in the Arctic. Can these beloved animals count on you to be their voice today, Friend? Add your name now to protect polar bears from Big Oil’s corporate greed before it’s too late >>

Standing with you,
Raena Garcia
Fossil Fuel and Lands Campaigner,
Friends of the Earth
